Programs and Services

Improved performance begins with understanding where you are today, to set the stage for future growth, but schools and districts often lack the time or in-house expertise to pursue this understanding. Our Needs Assessment and Audits can help you fill that gap.

Needs assessments use specific questions about where things currently stand in schools, districts or systems to find gaps that may exist between current and desired states.  They enable clients to surface findings that may otherwise have gone uncovered, and their data supports informed decision-making about future areas of focus.  

What makes LCI's needs assessments different from others?  

Collaborative. Clients are consulted about and engaged in co-shaping the focus area, and are involved in developing the supporting questions and planning for implementation.

Learner-focused. For clients, the needs assessment process is, in itself, a professional learning opportunity.  We support leaders and others in understanding needs assessment design, the data generated and how to use it. 

Leverage a variety of data-gathering techniques. Strategies may include meeting with administrators, participating in school walkthroughs, conducting classroom observations, convening focus groups, and analyzing artifacts and documents. 

We also provide formal, comprehensive audit services for clients responding to external needs and expectations. 

Representative offerings

Examples of our work: Needs Assessment reports

We share implications and findings from our work in the way that best meets our client needs.